
Tips for New Photographers starting out

My top piece of advice would be to practice practice practice. Shoot anything and everything you can. Ask lots of questions and ask for feedback on what you are shooting. While workshops and tutorials are great, there is no better teacher than experience!

Learn to shoot in manual mode. There is so much to learn about your camera and it’s functioning, composition and art, and editing. It is easy to think you aren’t smart enough, aren’t talented enough, don’t have what it takes to see like a photographer. Don’t fall for this.
Don’t compare yourself to everyone else. Your style will define itself if you stay true to yourself and shoot what you love.
You are probably scouring social media and websites of experienced photographers and yearn to shoot images like what you see on their pages. You’ll get there! But first be patient and kind with yourself.

In the beginning we are learning so much that it is overwhelming and you will constantly comparing your work to others. You will learn how to shot in manual, compose and edit a picture, and eventually find your style. It takes time, practice.
Take it slowly. Learn your camera inside and out. Learn how to find the light. I’ll have a tutorial on that later.

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