
An Assignment for you to learn how to frame and compose your photo to look Compelling

Shot the following 10 images. Not every shot is going to use all the rules. Apply as many rules as you can to
the images or feel free to break rules to get a compelling image.
In each of these images we are either looking for a specific rule or technique to be demonstrated or shooting
uncommon subjects in a creative way.

Image 1 – A landscape image with a horizon. Remember your most important rules here are: keep the horizon
straight and don’t split the frame evenly.

Image 2 – Frame Your Subject. Remember your most important rule is to keep your frame in focus along with
your other basic rules of composition.

Image 3 – Buttons. We mean anything that can be called a button. Try to be creative by using rule of thirds,
leading lines, focus for effect, fill the frame ect. Try to make the shot compelling by applying some of the rules.

Image 4 – Clock or Watch. Try to make the shot compelling by applying some of the rules. It could be part of a
scene, could be interacted with or shot individually just remember it’s the centre of interest.

Image 5 – Food. Try to make the shot compelling by applying some of the rules. It could be part of a scene,
could be interacted with or shot individually just remember it’s the centre of interest.

Image 6 – Leading Lines. Subject can be whatever you choose just include some form of line to lead us to it.
Leading lines are more of a technique than a rule and might not always be available.

Image 7 – Add Action. Capture a subject doing something or in motion. You could slow your shutter speed if
your camera allows and show blur or your subject can be in motion with no blur but doing something obvious
as to imply action i.e. opening a gift, kicking a ball. You are communicating your subjects doing something and
telling a story.

Image 8 and 9 – Check All Angles. Shoot a subject of your choice from two different angles. Apply the
appropriate rules to make your shots compelling.

Image 10 – Challenge. Walk outside an entrance of your home. Don’t go further than 6 feet. Find and shoot a
compelling image. This is to get you looking at your surroundings in a different way. Use or break the rules to
get a compelling shot.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

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